The benefits of maintaining good periodontal health extend beyond a long lasting, beautiful, and healthy smile. There are many studies that are now showing a correlation between a patient’s oral health and prevalence of heart disease. While some of the many bacteria present in our mouths are beneficial, others can cause gum disease, infections and tooth decay. When patients don’t seek treatment for these conditions, the harmful bacteria can enter the bloodstream and affect the heart. On the other hand, patients with good oral health routines, including brushing and flossing, reduce this risk. At New York Dental Studio, Dr. Brandon Huang encourages all of his patients to keep up with their oral health routines and biannual dental cleanings in order to reduce their risk of heart disease.
The same bacteria that cause disease and decay in the mouth can cause buildups in the cardiovascular system that lend to heart disease. When a patient doesn’t keep up with brushing, flossing, and their daily oral hygiene routine, the bacteria thrive. They eat away at the teeth and gums, exposing the roots and causing bleeding that serves as a way for the bacteria to enter the bloodstream. Once the bacteria enter the bloodstream, they can cause clots and inflammation in your cardiovascular system, just as they would in your mouth. Fortunately, this is easily prevented with proper periodontal care that keeps bacteria in your mouth from flourishing. With regular brushing and flossing, patients can take steps to prevent periodontal and heart disease at the same time.
Developing a good oral hygiene routine is more important than ever before. Dr. Huang encourages all of his patients to brush and floss twice a day to make sure that harmful bacteria don’t build up on the teeth and gums. He also encourages patients to visit us at New York Dental Studio twice a year to check for cavities and remove any plaque that has built up despite dental cleaning habits. Patients can find out more about how they can reduce their risk of heart disease with periodontal care by visiting us for an exam and cleaning.