Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a dental specialty that helps patients to improve the appearance of their teeth. Dr. Brandon Huang offers our patients a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures that whiten the teeth, cover imperfections and provide a more aesthetically pleasing smile.
Cosmetic dentistry is important because it helps patients feel more confident and smile more. In addition to these benefits, some of these cosmetic procedures protect the patient’s teeth, which helps save their natural teeth and avoid more involved dental procedures, like needing implants or partials, later on.
Here at New York Dental Studio, we provide multiple cosmetic dentistry options, including:
  • Veneers
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Bonding
  • Inlays and Onlays
Veneers are thin ceramic shells that are bonded over the patient’s teeth to improve their appearance and hide staining, gaps or misaligned teeth. Bonding is a type of filling that corrects any gaps or cracks in the teeth or in between them. Teeth whitening offered in our office gives our patients whiter teeth by up to 6-10 shades. Inlays and onlays are types of crowns, also known as partial crowns. They help teeth restore their strength and shape.
If you’re interested in a smile makeover, contact us directly to discuss the many cosmetic dentistry options we offer.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Porcelain Crowns

Here at New York Dental Studio, we provide crowns of all different types, including porcelain crowns. The porcelain crown is made up entirely of the strong and appealing ceramic material and is fabricated to look just like the patient’s natural teeth. There are restorative and aesthetic benefits to choosing porcelain crowns as opposed to metal or porcelain fused to metal crowns.
There are a variety of benefits to getting porcelain crowns, including:
  • They are more natural looking and feel like natural teeth.
  • The color can match that of your natural teeth.
  • They are extremely durable and strong.
  • Porcelain crowns protect natural teeth and keep them intact.
  • They are stain resistant.
  • Porcelain crowns are low maintenance, only needing regular brushing and flossing.
  • They function just like natural teeth.
Our patients get porcelain crowns for covering imperfections of their teeth, as well as protecting their tooth from being broken or cracked. Porcelain is the most stable and flawless material available for dental crowns, allowing for the most natural appearance.
To determine if porcelain crowns are a great option for your smile makeover, schedule a consultation with Dr. Brandon Huang at 212-588-1809 to discuss your options.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

White Fillings

There are two main types of fillings, which help treat cavities in our patients, including metal and white fillings. When comparing metal vs. white fillings, it often comes down to personal preference, as there are pros and cons of each variety. Metal amalgam fillings are the traditional type of fillings, which have been around for over 100 years. They are made from a combination of metals, including mercury, tin, silver, copper and zinc. This makes a very durable and strong filling, but many of our patients don’t like the shiny, metal appearance of the filling. We also offer white fillings, which are made to look just like the natural tooth with tooth-colored composite resin.
The benefits of metal fillings include being less expensive, nearly always covered by dental insurance and no extra technology is needed for the fillings. The process is also quicker because no color matching needs to be performed, like with white fillings. The material is also stronger than white fillings and does not need to be replaced as often.
With white fillings, patients benefit from a filling looking just like their natural tooth and appearing more natural, the tooth being less sensitive to hot and cold temperatures with the filling and not containing any mercury. There are some heavy debates about the fact that metal amalgam fillings contain a small amount of mercury and making white fillings a safe alternative.
Visit us here at New York Dental Studio in New York, NY to get metal or white fillings from Dr. Brandon Huang.